
Course Contents

Part 1

  • Quality, Quality Assurance, Quality Control &CMM Levels.
  • Difference between Application/Project and Product.
  • Hierarchy of the Organisation.
  • Project life cycle - Process
  • Introduction of Software Testing.
  • Difference between Manual and Automation Testing?
  • Good Software Test Engineer Qualities.
  • Why we need to Testing?
  • Challenges of Software Test Engineers.
  • Overview of Automation Tools and its versions.
  • SDLC Phases
  • SDLC Models: V-Model,(Verification & Validation, Static and Dynamic Testing) Waterfall, Agile - Scrum. Configuration Management.
  • Test Methodlogies and Testing types/ levels

Part 2

  • Test Life Cycle Phases
  • Test Plan and its purpose. Who will prepare the Testplans? When do we prepare the Test plan? Contents of the Test plan
  • Preparing Test Scenarios,Test Case &Test Scripts.
  • Black Box Testing Test Case designing techniques
  • Positive Testing and Negative Testing
  • High Level and Low level Testcases. Precautions while writing test cases. GUI Common Tesecases
  • Traceability Matrix
  • Difference between Error, Bug and Defect Bug / Defect Life Cycle
  • (Severity, Priority) level examples
  • Main contents of reporting Bugs/ Defects. Why software has Bugs?
  • Test data, Test Bed and Test set up Environment.
  • Case studies for Test Case Preparation.
  • What if there isn't enough time for thorough testing?

Part 3

  • What is Architecture?
  • Types of Archetectures?
  • Difference between Client Server / Web based application
  • what type of testings conducted for Client Server / Web based applications?
  • Testing Types - Unit, Interface, Smoke, GUI, Usability, Integration, Adhoc, fuctionality, Recovery, Retest, Regression, Globalisation, Exploratory, System, End to End, Database, Browser Camapatibility, Performance, Load, Stress, Volume, Security, Sanity, Installation and Acceptance Testing.
  • Difference between Functionality and Non-Functionality Testing.
  • Checklists, Weekly status Reports, Test Closure , Status Reports & Release Notes.
  • Roles and Responsibilities of TM, TL & TE/TA

Part 4

  • Quality Center, Introduction to Quality Center, Starting Quality Center
  • Defining Releases, Cycles and Requirements
  • Planning Tests & Running Tests
  • Adding and Tracking Defects, Alerting on Changes, Analysing the Testing Process
  • FAQ's on Manual testing
  • Material - SQL, MS Excel
  • Provide Sample Profiles, CV preparation tips
  • Agency Contact list, ISEB Material & Sample Question papers.